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Showing posts with label narayana kavacha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label narayana kavacha. Show all posts

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Narayana Kavacha (With meaning in ENGLISH) - Srimad Bhagavatam (A Shield - To cure all disease and guard from enemies)

Narayana Kavacham

(Srimad Bhagavatam) Canto 6: Chapter 8

Bruhaspati is the 'Guru of deva' (demi gods in Heaven - Swarg Lok).
One day, when Bruhaspati went to see Indradeva in his Court, Indra was enjoying watching the dance of Apsaras (demi goddess with extreme beauty and dancing skills).

Knowing that his guru was coming to see him, he thought, "Why is he coming at this odd time?"

Knowing Indradeva's intention, Bruhaspati felt disrespected and returned quietly.

After the dance was over and the royal court had disbanded, Devendra went to the ashram to see his Guru Bruhaspati. 
But, Bruhaspati disappeared and stayed out of his vision.

The asuras learnt that "Bruhaspati is angry with the Devas. This is the right time" they said, attacking the Devas and beaten them out of heaven. 

Devas (Demi Gods who control the 5 Nature space, air, fire, water and earth) were thrown out of the Swarga Loka and wandered in earth like human beings and begging for their good time.

"Is there no redemption for this?" They regretted about their situation and appealed to Lord Brahma.

"Once without a Guru, anyone bound to struggle always. Don't be without a guru. Until Bruhaspati repents, keep Tvashta's son Viswaroopan as deva guru. Listen to him. He will tell you the way to deal with the asuras.", Brahma replied.
Vishwaroopan, a three-headed Brahman, agreed to be a guru to the demi gods (30 crore Devas).

To Heal incurable diseases and to conquer enemies, Vishwaroopa recited "Narayana Kavacham (shield)" to the demi gods (devas).

Indra diligently recited this Mantra Shield with dedication and understanding.

With this Power of Mantra, he defeated the demons (Asuras) and achieved a great victory. He recaptured the heavenly world.

Rajo Uvaacha - श्रीराजोवाच
(King Parikshit asks Suka Brahma Rishi)

यया गुप्त: सहस्राक्ष: सवाहान् रिपु सैनिकान् ।
क्रीडन्निव विनिर्जित्य त्रिलोक्या बुभुजे श्रियम् ॥

yayaa guptaḥ sahasraakṣaḥ
savaahaan ripu-sainikaan 
kreeḍan niva vinir jithya
tri-lokyaa bubhuje śriyam  

The Indra God with a thousand eyes (sahasraakṣaḥ), protected (guptaḥ) by which (yayaa) magical mantra, defeated all (savaahaan) the forces of the enemy (ripu-sainikaan) just like a game (kreeḍan niva) and attained (bubhuje) all the wealth (śriyam) by achieving the victory (vinir jithya) to become the leader of the three worlds (tri-lokyaa) back again!
भगवंस्तन्ममाख्याहि वर्म नारायणात्मकम् ।
यथाततायिन: शत्रून्येन गुप्तोऽजयन्मृधे ॥

bhagavas tan mama akhyaahi
varma naaraayaṇa aatmakam  
yathaa tataa yinaḥ shatrūn
yena gupto ajayan mṛdhe  

Bhagavan! You (bhagavaṁs tan) should teach (akhyaahi) me (mama) the art of Narayana Kavacham (naaraayaṇa aatmakam) which gives a great protection (varma).
No matter how (yathaa) the enemies (shatrūn) try to defeat him (tataa yinaḥ), by (yena) chanting the Narayana Armor Mantra, Indra Deva was protected (gupto) and undefeated (ajayan) in battle (mṛdhe).
SriSuka Uvaacha - श्रीशुक उवाच
(SriSuka BrahmaRishi Says)

वृत: पुरोहितस्त्वाष्ट्रो महेन्द्रायानुपृच्छते ।
नारायणाख्यं वर्माह तदिहैकमना: श‍ृणु ॥

vṛtaḥ purohitas tvaaṣṭro
mahendraa yaanu pṛcchate
naaraayaṇaakhya varmaaha
tad iha yeka-manaḥ śṛṇu

Indra Deva (mahendraa) asked “What is the trick to defeat enemies?” (yaanu pṛcchate) to Viswaroopa, son of tvaastro (tvaaṣṭro) appointed priest of the demi gods (vṛtaḥ purohita).
Hence, Viswaroopa preached the Narayana Kavacham (naaraayaṇaakhya varmaaha) to Lord Indra.
Sri Sukabramma Rishi said Parikshit “I preach that (tad) same here (iha). Parikshit Manna! Listen (śṛṇu) with one mind (yeka manah) what Viswaroopa said”
Viswaroopa Uvaacha - श्रीविश्‍वरूप उवाच
(Viswaroopa says to Indra Deva)

धौताङ्‌घ्रिपाणिराचम्य सपवित्र उदङ्‍मुख: ।
कृतस्वाङ्गकरन्यासो मन्त्राभ्यां वाग्यत: शुचि: ॥

Dhauta aghri-paaṇir aacamya
sapavitra udhang mukhaḥ
mantraabhyaa vaag-yataḥ śuciḥ

1st clean (Dhauta) your feet (aṅghri) and hands (paaṇir) with fresh water. Looking at the north direction (udhang mukhaḥ), Do achamanan (aacamya) by drinking (taking) little water three times by saying achyuthaaya namah, ananthaaya namah,govindaaaya namah.
Then Wear a pure dharpa grass (sapavitra) as a ring on the ring finger. With pure mindet (śuciḥ), Then touch the 8 limbs of the body (kṛta-svaaṅga-kara-nyaaso) by reciting name of God (mantraabhyaaṁ) from heart, without reciting openly (vaag-yataḥ).

नारायणपरं वर्म सन्नह्येद् भय आगते ।
पादयोर्जानुनोरूर्वोरुदरे हृद्यथोरसि ॥
मुखे शिरस्यानुपूर्व्यादोंङ्कारादीनि विन्यसेत् ।
ॐ नमो नारायणायेति विपर्ययमथापि वा ॥ 

naaraayaṇa-param varma
sannahyed bhaya aagate
paadayor jaanunor oorvo
udare hṛdyath urasi
mukhe śirasy aanupoorvyaad
okaara aadeeni vinya set
o namo naaraayaṇaa yeti
viparyaya mathaapi vaa

To overcome the fear (bhaya) that comes (aagate) to us physically and mentally and by the 5 divine Natural powers (Space, Air, Fire, Water, Sand) and from animals,
Let us tie (sannahyed) ourself with Narayana as shield (nārāyaṇa-paraṁ varma) who is present everywhere as Vishnu.
Touch the 8 limbs of your body starting from feet (paadayor), knees (jaanunor), thighs (oorvo), abdomen (udare), heart (hṛdyath), chest (urasi), face (mukhe), and head (śirasy) in sequence one by one (aanupoorvyaad).
While touching (vinya set) your feet, begin by chanting “Om” (oṁkaara aadeeni), followed by chanting “na” (knees), “mo” (thighs) “naa” (abdomen) “raa” (heart) “ya” (chest) “naa” (face) “ya” (head). Thus by saying “oṁ namo naaraayaṇaa”, tell yourself Narayana alone is Supreme and able protector (oṁ namo naaraayaṇaa yeti)
Repeat the Mantra by reciting again (mathaapi vaa) by touching in reverse order (viparyaya) by touching head, face,chest,heart,abdomen, thigh,knee,feet as well.
करन्यासं तत: कुर्याद् द्वादशाक्षरविद्यया ।
प्रणवादियकारान्तमङ्गुल्यङ्गुष्ठपर्वसु ॥ 

kara-nyaasa tataḥ kuryaad
dvaada śaakṣara-vidyayaa
praṇavaadi-yakaara antam

Then, purify (nyaasaṁ) your hands (kara) by chanting that (tataḥ kuryaad) 12-letter DwathaSaakshara Mantra (dvaada śaakṣara-vidyayaa) which starts with Om (praṇavaadi) and ends with Ya (Yakaara antam).
Om Na Mo Ba Ga Va they Vaa Su dhey vaa ya (Om Namo Bhagavathey Vaasudheyvaaya) is DwathaSaakshara Mantra.
With your right thumb, touch the bottom of index, middle,ring,little finger by chanting Om Na Mo Ba.
With your left thumb, touch the bottom of little, ring,middle,index finger by chanting Ga Va they Vaa.
With your Index finger touch bottom of your thumb on both hands by chanting Su de vaa ya.
न्यसेद्‌धृदय ओंङ्कारं विकारमनु मूर्धनि ।
षकारं तु भ्रुवोर्मध्ये णकारं शिखया न्यसेत् ॥
वेकारं नेत्रयोर्युञ्‍ज्यान्नकारं सर्वसन्धिषु ।
मकारमस्त्रमुद्दिश्य मन्त्रमूर्तिर्भवेद् बुध: ॥

nyased hṛdaya okaara
vi-kaaram anu moordhani
ṣa-kaara tu bhruvor madhye
ṇa-kaara śikhayaa nyaset
ve-kaara netrayor yuñjyaan
na-kaara sarva-sandhiṣu
ma-kaaram astram uddiśya
mantra-moortir bhaved budhaḥ

Then, you (tu) Meditate Vishnu Shatakshari (om vishnave nama) by Holding (nyased) the sound of "Om" (oṁkaaraṁ) in the heart (hṛdaya), 'Vi' (vi-kaaram) on the top head (anu moordhani), 'sh' (ṣa-kaaraṁ) in the middle of the eyebrows (bhruvor madhye), 'Na' (ṇa-kaaraṁ) in the tuft (shikha) (śikhayaa nyaset),
“Ve” (ve-kaaraṁ) in both eyes (netrayor yuñjyaan), “Na” (na-kaaraṁ) in all joints, “Ma” as Weapon of protection. The one who makes himself (bhaved) in this Mantra form (mantra-moortir) is the wise and intelligent (budhaḥ)

सविसर्गं फडन्तं तत्सर्वदिक्षु विनिर्दिशेत् ।
ॐ विष्णवे नम इति ॥

Sa visargaṁ phat anta
tat sarva-dikṣu vinir diśet
o viṣṇave nama iti

After chanting “Om Vishnave Nama” by the end (antaṁ), say “Phat” in addition (Sa visargaṁ phat) and turn around yourself 360* starting from east in all 4 direction (tat sarva-dikṣu). Fix your mind (vinir diśet) that Vishnu prevails everywhere while saying “Om vishnave nama”.
आत्मानं परमं ध्यायेद् ध्येयं षट्‍‌शक्तिभिर्युतम् ।
विद्यातेजस्तपोमूर्तिमिमं मन्त्रमुदाहरेत् ॥ 

aatmaana parama dhyaayed
dhyeya ṣaṭ-śaktibhir yutam
ima mantram udaaharet

Medidate (dhyaayed) that Supreme god (paramam) in your heart (aatmaanaṁ) who is worth to be medidated (dhyeyaṁ) who completely holds (yutam) 6 greatest asset (ṣaṭ-śaktibhir)
Supreme Narayana alone who is Param (above all), alone holds all 6 assets together - Absolute Wealth, Absolute Dharma, Absolute Fame, Absolute Sri (Nature), Absolute Determination, Absolute Moksha (Liberation)
Lets chant (imaṁ udaaharet) that Knowledgable, glorious, affirmed deity (vidyaa-tejas-tapo-moortim) with the Narayana Mantra (mantram).

ॐ हरिर्विदध्यान्मम सर्वरक्षां
न्यस्ताङ्‌घ्रिपद्म: पतगेन्द्रपृष्ठे ।
पाशान् दधानोऽष्टगुणोऽष्टबाहु: ॥

om harir vidadhyaan
mama sarva-rakṣaa
nyasta aghri-padmaḥ
dara ari-charma asi-
gada iṣu-chaapa-paaśaan
dadhaana aṣṭa-guna aṣṭa-baahuḥ
May the Supreme God Hari (destroyer of all sins) and Creator of Om, bless (vidadhyaan) and protect (rakṣaaṁ) me (mama) all around (sarva). I medidate that Supreme Hari who is sitting on back (pṛṣṭhe) of Garuda (Eagle) (patagendra), who is a representation of Veda, touching (nyasta) him with his lotus feet, holding (dadhaana) 8 different weapons like the conchshell (dara), disc (ari), shield (charma), sword (asi), club (gada), arrows (isu), bow (chaapa) and ropes (paasaan) in his 8 arms (aṣṭa-baahuḥ) who fully possesses 8 siddhi (aṣṭa-guna).
8 Siddhi are animaa, laghimaa, Garimaa, Laghimaa, Praapti, Praakaamya, Iṣiṭvaa, Vaśitvaa

जलेषु मां रक्षतु मत्स्यमूर्ति-
र्यादोगणेभ्यो वरुणस्य पाशात् ।

jaleṣu maa rakṣatu matsya-moorti:
yaado-gaṇebhyo varuṇasya paaśaat

May God (moorti) incarnate as a fish (matsya) protect (rakṣatu) me (maaṁ) from the danger or disease that comes thru’ water (jaleṣu). Let him protect me from those living beings (yaado-gaṇebhyo) who are affectionate of aquatic life (varuṇasya paaśaat).
स्थलेषु मायावटुवामनोऽव्यात्
त्रिविक्रम: खेऽवतु विश्वरूप: ॥ 

sthaleṣu maayaa vadu-vaamana avyaat
trivikramaḥ khe avatu viśvaroopaḥ

May supreme God, guard (avyaat) me from the danger or disease that comes thru’ ground (sthaleṣu) who incarnate disguising (maayaa) himself as 7-year-old short (vaamana) Brahmin boy (vadu).
May supreme God, guard (avatu) me from the danger or disease that comes thru’ sky/air (khe) who took the vishwaroopa (viśvaroopaḥ) and re-captured all 3 worlds (trivikramaḥ) from Bali Chakravarthi and gave back life to all living being from earth till satya loka.
दुर्गेष्वटव्याजिमुखादिषु प्रभु:
पायान्नृसिंहोऽसुरयूथपारि: ।
विमुञ्चतो यस्य महाट्टहासं
दिशो विनेदुर्न्यपतंश्च गर्भा: ॥ 

durgeṣu aṭavy-aaji-mukha aadiṣu prabhuḥ
paayaan nṛsiho asura-yoothapa ariḥ
vimuñchato yasya mahaa aṭṭahaasa
dhiśo vinedur nyapataś cha garbhaaḥ

May Supreme God guard me (paayaan) me from the danger or disease that comes thru’ dangerous places (durgeṣu), dense forests (aṭavy) and battlefields (aaji-mukha aadiṣu) who incarnated himself as narasimha (nṛsiṁho) and killed (arih) the most dangerous asura king (asura-yoothapa) Hiranyakasipu.
May the roaring sound (mahaa aṭṭahaasaṁ) of Lion faced Narasimha, spread across all direction (dhiśo vinedur) which (yasya) can Shook (vimuñchato) and make even an asura natured child growing inside any womb (garbhaaḥ) to fell down (nyapataś cha).
रक्षत्वसौ माध्वनि यज्ञकल्प:
स्वदंष्ट्रयोन्नीतधरो वराह: ।

rakṣatu asau maa adhvani yajña-kalpaḥ
sva-daṣṭrayaa unneeta-dharo varaahaḥ

May that (asau) Supreme God protect (rakṣatu) me (maa) from the danger or disease that comes thru’ pathways (adhvani) who incarnated himself as yagya form (yajña-kalpaḥ) Boar (varaha) and pulled up (unneeta) the earth (dharo) with his horns (sva-daṁṣṭrayaa)
रामोऽद्रिकूटेष्वथ विप्रवासे
सलक्ष्मणोऽव्याद् भरताग्रजोऽस्मान् ॥

raama adri-kooṭeṣa atha vipravaase
sa lakṣmaṇa avyaad bharata agraja asmaan

May that Supreme God protect (avyaad) me (asmaan) from the danger or disease that comes thru’ peaks of mountains (adri-kooṭeṣa) and (atha) in foreign lands (vipravaase) who incarnated himself as rama with Lakshman (sa lakṣmaṇa), and who is the elder brother of Bharat (bharata agraja).

न्नारायण: पातु नरश्च हासात् । 

maam ugra-dharmaad akhilaat pramaadaan
naaraayaṇaḥ paatu naraś cha haasaat

May supreme God “Narayana” (naaraayaṇaḥ) protect (paatu) me (maam), from practices which are extremely cruel (ugra-dharmaad) and from all (akhilaat) mad actions (pramaadaan), who protector of all human (Naras cha) from their useless pride (haasaat).
दत्तस्त्वयोगादथ योगनाथ:
पायाद्गुणेश: कपिल: कर्मबन्धात् ॥

dat tastv a-yogaad atha yoga-naathaḥ
paayaad guṇeyśaḥ kapilaḥ karma-bandhaat

May that (atha) Supreme God who incarnated himself as Yoga Guru (yoga-naathaḥ) Dattaatreya (dat tastv) (single avatar of brahma, Vishnu, rudra) protect (paayaad) me, from those who guides me against the spiritual path (a-yogaad).
Let Supreme God who incarnated himself as Kapila Rishi (kapilaḥ) who possesses great divine qualities (guṇeyśaḥ), protect (paayaad) me, from bondage of my actions (karma-bandhaa)
सनत्कुमारोऽवतु कामदेवा-
द्धयशीर्षा मां पथि देवहेलनात् । 

sanat-kumaaro avatu kaama devaad
haya śeerṣaa maa pathi deva-helanaat

May Sanat Kumaara (sanat-kumaaro) who had interested on liberation and spiritual growth, protect (avatu) me from the lusty desires (kaama devaad).
May the Supreme God who is the protector (pathi) of Veda, who incarnated himself as Divine horse (Haya seershaa) to protect Veda, also protect me (maam) from those who insults and disrespect Vedic Scholars and Vedic Gods.
देवर्षिवर्य: पुरुषार्चनान्तरात्
कूर्मो हरिर्मां निरयादशेषात् ॥

devarṣi-varyaḥ puruṣa archana antaraath
koormo harir maa nirayaad asheṣhaat

May Naradha Muni, the best of the Deva Rishis (devarsi varyah), protect me from the sins (andaraath) for not worshiping (archana) Purushothamana (purusa).
May the Lord (Hrir), who incarnated himself in tortoise form (Koormo) and carried the magical mountain and gave nectar to the gods, protect me (Mam) from falling into irreversible (asheshaat) Hells (nirayaad)

धन्वन्तरिर्भगवान् पात्वपथ्याद्
द्वन्द्वाद् भयाद‍ृषभो निर्जितात्मा ।

dhanvantarir bhagavaan paatu apathyaad
dvand vaad bhayaad ṛṣabho nirjita atmaa

May Lord Dhanvantri (dhanvantarir bhagavaan), who is doctor in the name of Vaidhya Narayana, protect me (paatu) from all diseases of the body (apadhyaad)
May Rishabha Rishi (ṛṣabho), who has conquered the senses (nirjita atmaa), protect me from fear (bhayaad), from the sorrow caused by twins (dvand vaad) such as heat-cold, pleasure-sorrow, honor-shame.
यज्ञश्च लोकादवताज्जनान्ताद्
बलो गणात् क्रोधवशादहीन्द्र: ॥ 

yagyaś cha lokaat avataanj janaa antaad
balo gaṇaat krodha-vaśaad aheendraḥ

May Spiritual fire (yagyaś cha) form Narayanaa himself protect me and end (antaad) the insults (Avadaanj) thrown at me by the people (janaa) of the world (Lokaat).
May Balarama (balo), the incarnation of Adisesha (Aheendra:), protect me from the venomous beasts (Ganaat krodha Vasaad) like snakes.

द्वैपायनो भगवानप्रबोधाद्
बुद्धस्तु पाषण्डगणप्रमादात् ।

dvaipaayano bhagavaan apra bodhaad
buddhas thu paaṣaṇḍa-gaṇa-pramaadaat

May the Vedic deity Vyasa Bhagavan (dvaipaayano bhagavaan) save me from the ignorance of the Vedic scriptures (Apra Bodhaad).
May the wise (buddhas thu) Paramatma Narayanan protect me from leaving the pure (pramaadaat) Vedic religion and join the non-vedic principle/dharma (paaṣaṇḍa-gaṇa).
कल्कि: कले: कालमलात् प्रपातु
धर्मावनायोरुकृतावतार: ॥ 

kalki kaleḥ kaala-malaat prapaatu
dharma avanaaya uru-kṛuta avataaraḥ

In order to protect Dharma (dharma avanaa) who is going to incarnate (kṛta avataaraḥ) in the form of Kalki, that great (uru) Bhagavan will leave Dharma and
May the Supreme God, protector of the Vedic Dharma (dharma avanaaya) incarnate (avataaraha) himself as Great (uru kruta) Kalki (kalki) and protect (prapaatu) me from the misery which smells like feces (malaat) in kali period (after 3102BCE) (kaleḥ kaala).

Pratha (6 AM - 8 AM) – Kesava protect me,
Sangava (8 AM - 10 AM) - Govindan protects me,
Praahwa (10 AM -12 Noon) Narayanan proects me
Madhyan (12 Noon - 2 PM) Vishnu protects me,
Aparaanna (2 PM - 4 PM) Madhusoodhan protects me,
Saayam (4 PM - 6 PM) Madhavan protects me,
Pradhosa (6 PM - 8 PM) Hrishikesha protects me,
Artha-Raathri (8 PM - 10 PM) Padmanabhan protects me,
Niseetha (10 PM - 12 Mid Night) Padmanabhan protects me,
Apara-Raathri (12 Mid Night - 2 AM) Sreedharan protects me,
Pratyusha (2 AM - 4 AM) Janarthana protects me,
Prabhatey (4 AM - 6 AM) Visvesvara protects me.

Brahma Muhurt :  It the time between 4AM and 6AM. Prabhatey is also referred as Brahma Muhurt, best time for Yogic Meditation on Supreme God.
From Sunset (6PM) till SunRise (6AM), it has 30 Muhurta.
Each Muhurta covers 24 minutes.
Last 5 Muhurta (5*24=120 minutes) before sunrise, covers the Brahma Muhurt period.

मां केशवो गदया प्रातरव्याद्
गोविन्द आसङ्गवमात्तवेणु: ।

maa keśavo gadayaa praata avyaad
govinda aasagavam aatta-veṇuḥu

Let the club-bearer (gadayaa) Kesavan (Kesavo) protect (avyaad) me (maam) in the morning (praata) (6 AM-8AM).
Let the Govinda (govinda), who holds the flute (venuhu) in his hand (aatta), keep me safe on the second morning (aa saṅgavam) (8AM - 10AM).
नारायण: प्राह्ण उदात्तशक्ति-
र्मध्यन्दिने विष्णुररीन्द्रपाणि: ॥

naaraayaṇaḥ praahṇa udaatta-śakti:
madhyan-dhiney viṣhṇur areendra-paaṇi

Let the Sriman Narayanaa (naaraayaṇaḥ) armed with majestic power weapon (udaatta-śakti:), protect me in the 3rd part of day (praahṇa) (10AM - 12 Noon).
May Lord Vishnu (viṣhṇur) Holding the wheel of time in hand (areendra-paaṇiḥ), protect me during noon period (12 Noon - 2 PM) (madhyan-dhiney).

देवोऽपराह्णे मधुहोग्रधन्वा
सायं त्रिधामावतु माधवो माम् ।

devo aparaahṇe madhu-hu ugra dhanvaa
saaya tri-dhaamaa avatu maadhavo maam

Let the glorious God (devo) as Madhusudhanan (madhu-hu), holding the deadly (Ugra) Dhanush (bow) (dhanvaa) named Saaranga, guard me at 5th part of the day (aparaahṇe) (2PM - 4PM).

Let the Supreme God as Madhavan (maadhavo), who is present in all the three places (tri-dhaamaa) (creation, protection, destruction), protect(avatu) me (maam) in the 6th part of the day or evening (saayam) (4PM - 6PM).
दोषे हृषीकेश उतार्धरात्रे
निशीथ एकोऽवतु पद्मनाभ: ॥
doṣeh hṛṣeekeśa uta ardha-raatre
niśeetha eko avatu padmanaabhaḥ

Let the supreme god as Hrishikesh who is the conqueror of senses protect me during the time of Pradosha (doṣeh) (6PM - 8PM).
Let the supreme one and only (eko) god “Padmanabha” guard (avatu) me both in 2nd part of night (ardha-raatre) (8PM-10PM) and 3rd part of the night (niseetha) (10PM - 12 Mid Night).
श्रीवत्सधामापररात्र ईश:
प्रत्यूष ईशोऽसिधरो जनार्दन: ।

śreevatsa-dhaama apara-raatra eeśaḥ
pratyooṣa eeśo asi-dharo janaardanaḥ

Let supreme god (Eesaha) Srinivasa who hold mahalakshmi in his chest (śreevatsa-dhaama), guard me during 4th part of night (apara-raatra) (12 Mid Night - 2 AM).
Let supreme god (Eeso) protector of human beings (janaardanaḥ) who carries the sword (asi-dharo) guard me during 5th part of night (pratyooṣa) (2 AM - 4 AM).
दामोदरोऽव्यादनुसन्ध्यं प्रभाते
विश्वेश्वरो भगवान् कालमूर्ति: ॥ 

daamodaro avyaad anusandhya
prabhaate viśveśvaro bhagavaan kaala-moortiḥ

May Damodar (daamodaro ) protect (avyaad) me at every junction (anu sandhyaṁ) (@ 6AM, @ 12 Noon, @ 6PM) (Avyad).
May the God of Universe (viśveśvaro bhagavaan), the timekeeper and ruler of the world (kaala moortih), protect me at dawn (Prabhaate) (4 AM - 6 AM).

चक्रं युगान्तानलतिग्मनेमि
भ्रमत् समन्ताद् भगवत्प्रयुक्तम् ।
दन्दग्धि दन्दग्ध्यरिसैन्यमाशु
कक्षं यथा वातसखो हुताश: ॥

chakra yugaanta anala-tigma-nemi
bhramat samantaad bhagavat-prayuktam |
dandagdhi dandagdhi ari-sainyam aaśu
kakṣa yathaa vaata-sakha hutaaśaḥ ||

Let the supreme Vishnu (bhagavat) fire (prayuktam) the sharp edged (tigma nemi) Wheel (chakra) which spins (bhramat) in all directions (samantaad) like a fireball (anala), which denotes the destroyer the time (Yugaanta).
Let this fireball destroy, destroy (dandagdhi dandagdhi) the army of enemies (ari-sainyam) immediately (aasu), like (yathaa) blazing fire (hutaasah) burns dry grass (kaksam) with the friend of the wind (vaata-sakha) to ashes

निष्पिण्ढि निष्पिण्ढ्यजितप्रियासि ।
भूतग्रहांश्चूर्णय चूर्णयारीन् ॥ 

gadey aśani-sparśana-visphuliṅge
niṣpiṇḍhi niṣpiṇḍhy ajita-priyaasi
bhoota-grahaaś choorṇaya choorṇaya arīn

Hey Club (gadey) in the hand of Vishnu! Just by your touch (sparsana) like a thunderbolt (asani), the fire sparks (visphuliṅge) into pieces, into pieces (nispindi nispindi). Hey undefeated (ajita), you are dearer (priya asi) to me and hence destroy, destroy (choornaya choornaya) all my enemies (arīn) amond kusmandas, ghost named vainaayaka, ghost named yaksa, ghost named raksasaas, ghost named bhootas, evil demon like grahaas
त्वं यातुधानप्रमथप्रेतमातृ-
पिशाचविप्रग्रहघोरद‍ृष्टीन् ।
दरेन्द्र विद्रावय कृष्णपूरितो
भीमस्वनोऽरेर्हृदयानि कम्पयन् ॥ 

tva yaathudhaana-pramatha-preta-maatṛu
piśaaca-vipra graha-ghora-dṛṣteen
dharendra vidraavaya kṛṣṇa-poorito
bhīma-svano arer hṛdayaani kampayan

O Krishna, holder of Pāñcajanya conchshell (dharendra), you (tvam) blow the air from your mouth (kṛṣṇa-poorito) and drive away (vidraavaya) the enemies (arer) like Rākṣasas (yaathudhaana), pramatha ghosts, Pretas, Maatru ganaas, Piśaacas and brahma raakshas (vipra graha) with fearful eyes (ghora-dṛṣteen), feel the extreme fear and heart tremble (hṛdayaani kampayan) due to the extreme sound (bhīma-svano) from conch.

त्वं तिग्मधारासिवरारिसैन्य-
मीशप्रयुक्तो मम छिन्धि छिन्धि ।
चक्षूंषि चर्मञ्छतचन्द्र छादय
द्विषामघोनां हर पापचक्षुषाम् ॥

tva tigma-dhaara asi-vara ari-sainyam
eeśa-prayukto mama chindhi chindhi
chakṣhuṣi charmañ chadha-chandra chaadaya
dviṣaam aghonaa hara paapa-chakṣhuṣhaam

O Nandakam, the Best of sword with very sharp blades (tigma-dhaara asi-vara), You (tvaṁ) are engaged (Prayukto) by the supreme God Vishnu (Isa) who created the world. You (Dvam), must chop to pieces, chop to pieces (chindhi chindhi), the army (sainyam) of my (mama) enemies (ari).
O Shield (charmañ) with hundreds of moon (chadha-chandra) like eyes (chakṣhuṁṣi), please cover (chaadaya) me from those who are envious of me (dviṣaam), those who are completely sinful (aghonaaṁ) and take away (hara) those eyes (chakṣhuṣhaam) who are sinful (paaapa)
यन्नो भयं ग्रहेभ्योऽभूत् केतुभ्यो नृभ्य एव च ।
सरीसृपेभ्यो दंष्ट्रिभ्यो भूतेभ्योंहोभ्य एव च ॥
सर्वाण्येतानि भगवन्नामरूपानुकीर्तनात् ।
प्रयान्तु सङ्‌क्षयं सद्यो ये न: श्रेय:प्रतीपका: ॥

yanno bhaya grahebhyo bhoot
ketubhyo nṛbhya eva cha
sareesṛpebhyo daṣṭribhyo
bhootebhyo ahobhya eva cha

sarvaaṇ yetaani bhagavan-
naama-roopa anukeertanaat
prayaantu sagkṣaya sadyo
ye naḥ śreyaḥ-prateepakaaḥ

Fear (bhayam) which comes (yanno) from the planet ill effects (grahebhyo bhoot), and from meteors (falling stars)(ketubhyo), from envious human beings (nṛbhya) and also (eva cha), and also (eva cha) from snakes or scorpions (sareesṛpebhyo), from animals with fierce teeth like tigers, wolves and boars (daṁṣṭribhyo), from ghosts or the material elements (earth, water, fire, etc.) (bhootebhyo), from sinful activities (aṁhobhya), all these fear (sarvaaṇ yetaani) which (ye) can hinder (prateepakaaḥ) our (naḥ) happiness (śreyaḥ), will get immediately (sadyo) raided (prayaantu) and completely destroyed (saṅgkṣayaṁ) by repeated chanting (anukeertanaat) of name of Narayana (bhagavan naama) and his different forms of krishna, rama, narasimha, Vamana etc., (roopa).

गरुडो भगवान् स्तोत्रस्तोभश्छन्दोमय: प्रभु: ।
रक्षत्वशेषकृच्छ्रेभ्यो विष्वक्सेन: स्वनामभि: ॥

garuḍo bhagavaan stotra-
stobhaś chando mayaḥ prabhuḥ
rakṣatu aśeṣa-kṛchchrebhyo
viṣvaksenaḥ sva-naamabhiḥ

Oh Garuda Bhagavan (garuḍo bhagavaan), carrier of Vishnu, who is glorified in vedic verses (stotra stobhaś), who himself is a vedic personified (chando mayaḥ), who himself is vedic god (prabhuḥ), may protect (rakṣatu) me unlimited miseries (aśeṣa-kṛchchrebhyo) who holds the title name (sva-naamabhiḥ) as army chief ‘visvaksena’.
सर्वापद्‌भ्यो हरेर्नामरूपयानायुधानि न: ।
बुद्धीन्द्रियमन:प्राणान् पान्तु पार्षदभूषणा: ॥

Sarva aapadbhyo harer naama-
roopa-yaana aayudhaani naḥ
buddhi indriya-manaḥ-praaṇaan
paantu paarṣadha-bhooṣaṇaaḥ

May the different Names (naama) of supreme God (harer) and his different form (roopa) and the weapons (aayudhaani) he carry (yaana), protect (paantu) my (nah) intelligence (buddhi), senses (indriya), mind (manah), breathing air (praanaan), from all kind of dangers (Sarva aapadbhyo) like the ornaments (bhoosanaah) wore by liberated souls (paarsadha) in Vaikunda (vishnu’s abode).
यथा हि भगवानेव वस्तुत: सदसच्च यत् ।
सत्येनानेन न: सर्वे यान्तु नाशमुपद्रवा: ॥ 

yathaa hi bhagavaan eva vastutaḥ
sath asachcha yath
satyena anena naḥ sarve
yaantu naaśam upadravaaḥ

whatever (yath) manifested (sath), unmanifested (asachcha) things that exist in this world, are all just the one and only supreme god (yathaa hi bhagavaan eva
vastutaḥ). This (anena) is the absolute truth (satyena). May the troubles that befall on me (naaśam upadravaaḥ) be wiped out (yaantu).

यथैकात्म्यानुभावानां विकल्परहित: स्वयम् ।
भूषणायुधलिङ्गाख्या धत्ते शक्ती: स्वमायया ॥

Yathaa ikaatmya anubhaavaanaaṁ
vikalpa-rahitaḥ svayam
bhooṣaṇa aayudha-liga aakhyaa
dhatte śaktīḥ sva-maayayaa

Just as how (yathaa) Supreme God himself (svayam) is very well aware (anubhaavaanaaṁ) that “All are one” (ikaatmya) and there is no difference (vikalpa-rahitaḥ), with His own illusion (sva maayayaa), with his own power (dhatte śaktīḥi), he takes (bhooṣaṇa) different weapons (ayudha) like conch, wheel, sword etc, and takes different form (linga) and different names (aakhyaa)
तेनैव सत्यमानेन सर्वज्ञो भगवान् हरि: ।
पातु सर्वै: स्वरूपैर्न: सदा सर्वत्र सर्वग: ॥ 

teynaiva satya-maanena
sarvangyo bhagavaan hariḥ
paatu sarvaiḥ svaroopair
naḥ sadaa sarvatra sarvagaḥa

That (teynaiva) Bhagavan Hari, the symbol of truth (satya maanena), the All-Knowing (sarvangyo), with all His avatar forms (sarvaiḥ svaroopair) protect (paatu) me (nah) who is present (sarvagaha) everywhere (sarvatra) and always (sadaa).
विदिक्षु दिक्षूर्ध्वमध: समन्ता-
दन्तर्बहिर्भगवान्नारसिंह: ।
प्रहापयँल्लोकभयं स्वनेन
स्वतेजसा ग्रस्तसमस्ततेजा: ॥

vidikṣhu dikṣu oordhva-madhaḥ samantaad
antarbahir bhagavaan naarasihaḥ
prahaapayan loka-bhaya svanena
sva-tejasaa grastha-samasta-tejaaḥ

May Lord Narasimha protect me in all corners (vidikṣhu), in all directions (dikṣu), up and down (oordhva-madhaḥ), on all sides (samantaad), and inwards and outwards (antar bahir).
May Lord Narasimha with the divine glow (sva-tejasaa) gives (grastha) us all health (samasta-tejaaḥ) and by his majestic roar (Svanena) completely destroy (prahaa payan) the fear created (loka bhayam) by any animals, poison, weapons, water, air, fire etc.
मघवन्निदमाख्यातं वर्म नारायणात्मकम् ।
विजेष्यसेऽञ्जसा येन दंशितोऽसुरयूथपान् ॥

maghavann idham aakhyaata
varma naaraayaṇa aatmakam
vijeṣ-yase añjasaa yena
daśito asura-yoothapaan

Indra Deva (maghavann)! by chanting (yena) Narayana protection mantra (varma naaraayaṇa) now mentioned (idham aakyaatam) by me (aatmakam) you will be protected (daṁśito), defeat the Asura forces (asura-yoothapaan) and easily (anjasaa yena) attain victory (vijeṣ) fame (yase).

एतद् धारयमाणस्तु यं यं पश्यति चक्षुषा ।
पदा वा संस्पृशेत् सद्य: साध्वसात् स विमुच्यते ॥

etad dhaaraya maaṇasthu
ya ya paśyati chakṣuṣhaa
padaa vaa sa-spṛśet sadyaḥ
saadhvasaat sa vimuchyate

Those great souls, who always meditate this Narayana kavach (shield) (etad dhaaraya maaṇasthu), to whomever (yam yam) they see with their eye (paśyati chakṣuṣhaa), whomever touches (saṁ-spṛśet) their feet (padaa vaa), will immediately (sadyaḥ) get freed (sa vimuchyate) from all fears (saadhvasaat).

न कुतश्चिद्भ‍यं तस्य विद्यां धारयतो भवेत् ।
राजदस्युग्रहादिभ्यो व्याध्यादिभ्यश्च कर्हिचित् ॥

na kutaścid bhaya tasya
vidyaa dhaarayato bhavet
vyaadhy-aadibhyaś cha karhicit

Those who always meditate and always recite (dhaarayato bhavet) this Narayana kavacha (vidyaam) will be protected by Mahavishnu in all occasions (karhicit) and never need to worry even a bit (na kutaścid bhayaṁ tasy) about sufferings caused by kings (raaja), thieves (dasyu), planets (grahaadibhyo), diseases (vyaadhy-) etc (aadibhyaś).

इमां विद्यां पुरा कश्चित्कौशिको धारयन् द्विज: ।
योगधारणया स्वाङ्गं जहौ स मरुधन्वनि ॥

imaa vidyaa puraa kaścit
kauśiko dhaarayan dvijaḥ
yoga-dhaaraṇayaa sva aga
jahau sa marudhan vani

Once upon a time (puraa) there was a brahmachari Brahman (dvijaḥ) who was born in Kausika lineage (Vishwamitra), was taught (kaścit) this Narayana Kavacham (imaaṁ vidyaaṁ) and recited daily in his heart (dhaarayan).
This brave Brahmin, by his yogic strength (yoga dhaaraṇayaa), renounced (jahau) his body (sva aṅgaṁ) in a desert land (Thar Desert, Rajasthan) (sa marudhan vani) and went to the divine heaven world.

तस्योपरि विमानेन गन्धर्वपतिरेकदा ।
ययौ चित्ररथ: स्त्रीभिर्वृतो यत्र द्विजक्षय: ॥

tasyopari vimaanena
gandharva-patir ekadaa
yayau citrarathaḥ sthreebhir
vṛto yatra dvija-kṣayaḥ

The leader (patir) of the Gandharva (demi gods who have great musical skills) named Chitraratha (Gandharva), was once (ekadaa) flying high (tasyopari) in an airplane (vimaanena),
When he went (yayau) along (vrto) with other Gandharva Women (sthreebhir), he flyover the same desert land where (yatra) the body (kṣayaḥ) of this Brahmin (dvija) is lying.
गगनान्न्यपतत् सद्य: सविमानो ह्यवाक् शिरा: ।
स वालिखिल्यवचनादस्थीन्यादाय विस्मित: ।
प्रास्य प्राचीसरस्वत्यां स्‍नात्वा धाम स्वमन्वगात् ॥

gaganaan nyapatat satyaḥ
savimaano hyavaak-śiraaḥ
sa vaalikhilya-vachanaad
astheeny aadaaya vismitaḥ
praasya praacee-sarasvatyaa
snaatvaa dhaama svam anvagaat

Truly (satyaḥ) he fall down along with the plane (savimaano) with his head upside down (hyavaak-śiraaḥ) fall from the sky (gaganaan nyapatat).
Gandarva Leader Chitraratha, through Valikilya Rishi words (sa vaalikhilya-vachanaad) came to knew the reason. He took (aadaaya) the bone (astheeny) that was lying in that desert which belong to that Kausika brahmin and wondered (vismitaḥ) the power it had even after the soul left the body.
According to the advice of Valikilya Rishi, that Brahmin's bone was left (praasya) in the river Saraswati (sarasvatyaaṁ) flowing east (praacee), Then, bathed (snaatvaa) in the holy river Saraswati and went to his abode in the heavens (dhaama svam anvagaat).
SriSuka Uvaacha - श्रीशुक उवाच
(SriSuka BrahmaRishi Says)

य इदं श‍ृणुयात्काले यो धारयति चाद‍ृत: ।
तं नमस्यन्ति भूतानि मुच्यते सर्वतो भयात् ॥

ya ida śhṛṇuyaat kaale
yo dhaarayati cha adṛtaḥ
ta namasyanti bhootaani
muchyate sarvato bhayaat

In times of fear (kaale), who (yo) just listen this Narayana shield (ya idaṁ śhṛṇuyaat) and keep reciting this in their mind (yo dhaarayat) with faith (cha adṛtaḥ), those worship able mahatmas (taṁ namasyanti bhootaani) will be free (muchyate) from all kinds of fear (sarvato bhayaat) Important).

एतां विद्यामधिगतो विश्वरूपाच्छतक्रतु: ।
त्रैलोक्यलक्ष्मीं बुभुजे विनिर्जित्य मृधेऽसुरान् ॥

etaa vidyaam adhigato
viśvaroopaac chatakratuḥ
trailokya-lakṣmee bubhuje
vinir jitya mṛdhe asuraan

Thousand-eyed (chatakratuḥ) devendra received (adhigato) this (etaaṁ) magical Narayana shield (vidyaam), from Vishwaroopa who is the Priest of the DemiGods  *devas.
Devendra was able to defeat the asuras (mṛdhe asuraan) in battle and achieved once again great victory (vinir jitya) and enjoyed (bubhuje) all the three worldly luxuries (trailokya-lakṣmeeṁ)